The theme in this weeks Blender Practice challenge over at the Blender Community forum was: Desert
I am reusing my lowpoly diorama tile box from the first weeks entry. It’s really good and quick to get something started. After testing out a layout with lowpoly hard surfaces, I decided to go for the Blender and Substance Painter route. Carving out some terrain structures with proportional editing and adding low lopy stones and two dead trees in various rotations and scales.
UV Map with two materials
Inside Substance Painter the different parts of a model are separated by their material id. That way I can group different objects and share the UV maps. The picture shows the model inside Blender with two materials (Base + Probs).
Over in Substance Painter it is just a matter of masking out the different parts of the object and apply some of the great materials from the Allegoritmic SubstanceShare library. Next step: learning to create my own materials with Substance Designer ;-)
The limited time frame of one evening really lead me to get something done and just go for it. I have a better understanding now for:
UV Mapping
- separating and grouping object
- material research and importing
- applying materials
- masking objects
- blending materials
There is a lot of room for improvements. The props are very lowpoly and the terrain could be more detailed but there is always a next week and a new theme to build something more complex (^^)b
Sketchfab 3D Model
About the weekly Blender Practice
Creating something with a given theme and a meaningful deadline really helps me to stay focused and get something done to showcase. It’s not about creating a perfect portfolio piece but to concentrate on one idea and extend on what I have learned before. See more of them in the project overview.
How did you get the 3-d model on your page? I’m very interested in that.
It’s just the Sketchfab link – WordPress can embed their content.